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Join date : 2007-08-30

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PostSubject: LP-guide!   LP-guide! Icon_minitimeThu Sep 13, 2007 5:40 pm

I've realized many rogues are lazy.. but to have your LP at 375 is a good thing and everybody likes it.

So well, I thought some of you might need a guide, I searched up on some forums and likely and I'll try to setup a good compilation from what I've read.

->First of all, in which areas can you pick at which lvl?

Hillsbrad Foothills - Skill 95 to 160- Durnholde Keep
Redridge Mountains - Skill 90 to 165 - Lake Everstill
Ashenvale Forest - Skill 75 to 150 - Zoram Strand
Stonetalon Mountains - Skill 115 to 190 - Windershear Crag
Wetlands - Skill 90 to 165 - Murloc Camps, Inland
Wetlands - Skill 110 to 185 - Murloc Camps, Coastal
Desolace - Skill 150 to 225 - Sar'Theris Strand (off northwestern coast)
Badlands - Skill 175 to 250 - Angor Fortress
Badlands - Skill 200 to 275 - Angor Fortress
Swamp of Sorrows - Skill 175 to 250 - Pool of Tears
Searing Gorge - Skill 200 to 275 - Slag Pit
Searing Gorge - Skill 225 to 300 - Slag Pit
Tanaris - Skill 225 to 300 - Lost Rigger Cove
Azshara - Skill 235 to 300 - Bay of Storms
Eastern Plaguelands - Skill 250 to 305 - Tyr's Hand
Zangarmarsh - Skill 305 to 350 - Feralfen Village (Note: These will become yellow at 310, so I suggest Skilling up to 325 and then go to Nagrand)
Nagrand - 325 to 350 - Kil'sorrow Fortress

->There's also doors to be picked to improve your skill:

Gnomeregan - Skill Req 150 - Workshop Door
Scarlet Monastery - Skill Req 175 - Armoury and Cathedral
Scholomance - Skill Req 285
Stratholme Gates - Skill Req 300
Blackrock Depths - Skill Req 250 - Doors and Shadowforge
Searing Gorge - Skill Req 225 - Gate
Dire Maul Doors - Skill Req 300

->And the level of all lockboxes from drops:

Ornate Bronze Lockbox - 60
Heavy Bronze Lockbox - 75
Iron Lockbox - 85
Heavy Iron Lockbox - 125
Steel Lockbox - 180
Reinforced Steel Lockbox - 225
Mithril Lockbox - 225
Thorium Lockbox - 225
Eternium Lockbox - 225
Khorium Lockbox - 325

That might help you all! Smile Take care and good luck!
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Posts : 7
Join date : 2007-09-11

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PostSubject: Re: LP-guide!   LP-guide! Icon_minitimeWed Sep 19, 2007 9:59 am

Hehe Nice guide but I got 375 in LP =)
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Posts : 119
Join date : 2007-08-30

LP-guide! Empty
PostSubject: Re: LP-guide!   LP-guide! Icon_minitimeWed Sep 19, 2007 12:20 pm

So do I ^^ but there's many lazy rogues out there Wink
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Posts : 7
Join date : 2007-09-11

LP-guide! Empty
PostSubject: Re: LP-guide!   LP-guide! Icon_minitimeWed Sep 19, 2007 6:05 pm

For sure Very Happy
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PostSubject: Re: LP-guide!   LP-guide! Icon_minitime

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